Together we can improve breast cancer detection

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We like to use it as an opportunity to spread awareness of breast cancer, reiterate the importance of doing regular breast checks and remind people of the breast cancer research that is funded by Jane Tomlinson Appeal donations.

Cancer is now something that affects 1 in 2 people, therefore it’s crucial that women check their breasts regularly – once a month is the best approach, so any changes are instantly noticeable. You can sign up for text reminders if it’s something that you think you’re likely to forget.

Breast Cancer & The Jane Tomlinson Appeal

We are incredibly proud to work closely with the University of Nottingham to undergo research into blood testing that helps to detect breast cancer at an earlier stage. This research can potentially save the lives of those who develop the illness.

Donating to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal can make a real difference. Just £15 pays for one hour of a lab technician’s time. A £50 donation can buy vital lab equipment that research grants cannot fund. A collection of donations totaling £100 will pay for a lab assistant for the day to help them have an uninterrupted amount of time undergoing life-changing research.

You can donate directly to the Appeal through our Just Giving page, and find out more about our breast cancer research and the difference it makes to people’s lives.

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Celebrating a successful year of M2

When we reflect on 2024, we can’t help but realise what a fantastic year it has been for the M2 programme. Focused on mental and physical health development for young girls, M2 has been funded by donations to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal to make a real difference in recipient’s lives.


Want to learn a life-enhancing technique to help cancer patients?

We are proud to offer Kinesio Taping training to health professionals across the UK to help improve the lives of people living with cancer, and potentially relieve them of immense pain and discomfort.  Our next round of study days will be taking place in the next couple of months, and we would encourage you to book your spaces sooner rather than later to avoid any disappointment as they are incredibly popular sessions. If you’re a physiotherapist, nurse or practitioner working in the NHS or third sector (community care or hospice) then the study days are FREE of charge, and kindly covered by donations to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal. Not sure what to expect when you attend? Our Kinesio study days take the following structure: Introduction to Kinesio tape Background theories Practical demonstrations of: - Taping for drainage of the liver - Taping for the spleen - Taping for lymphatic drainage of the abdomen - Taping for diaphragmatic expansion - Taping for expansion of the thoracic cage - Taping for breast cancer and lymphoedema - Taping for low back pain - Taping for neck pain Every attendee will also leave the training with an instructional manual and plenty of informative notes, along with samples of kinesiology tape to allow you to continue practising. After all, practice makes perfect! Interested in attending the next one? Email our team for more information -

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