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Want to learn a life-enhancing technique to help cancer patients?

We are proud to offer Kinesio Taping training to health professionals across the UK to help improve the lives of people living with cancer, and potentially relieve them of immense pain and discomfort.  Our next round of study days will be taking place in the next couple of months, and we would encourage you to book your spaces sooner rather than later to avoid any disappointment as they are incredibly popular sessions. If you’re a physiotherapist, nurse or practitioner working in the NHS or third sector (community care or hospice) then the study days are FREE of charge, and kindly covered by donations to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal. Not sure what to expect when you attend? Our Kinesio study days take the following structure: Introduction to Kinesio tape Background theories Practical demonstrations of: - Taping for drainage of the liver - Taping for the spleen - Taping for lymphatic drainage of the abdomen - Taping for diaphragmatic expansion - Taping for expansion of the thoracic cage - Taping for breast cancer and lymphoedema - Taping for low back pain - Taping for neck pain Every attendee will also leave the training with an instructional manual and plenty of informative notes, along with samples of kinesiology tape to allow you to continue practising. After all, practice makes perfect! Interested in attending the next one? Email our team for more information -


M2 - Celebration Day 2024

Tuesday 2nd July was the day of a wonderful celebration of M2 and the Jane Tomlinson Appeal. We gathered at the Yeadon Tarn in Leeds along with organisers and 100 girls who put the skills they’ve gained through the M2 programme to good use. Everything came together perfectly, from creating fires to toast yummy marshmallows to participating in challenging team-building and problem-solving activities. They even managed to get out on a raft and have tremendous fun in the water! We are incredibly proud to support this wonderful programme through your donation to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal and look forward to participating in more exciting days like this in the future. You can find out more about the M2 programme, which is focused on improving the mental and physical wellbeing of children in disadvantaged areas, on our website.


Thank you for supporting the Jane Tomlinson Appeal

Representing Jane’s legacy in the best possible way is incredibly important to us. Our charity was built to celebrate the late Jane Tomlinson CBE and continue her amazing fundraising efforts as much as we possibly can. In 2024, our main aim and the reason our charity exists is to support children’s health and wellbeing and to improve the lives of people with cancer.


Prioritising children’s mental and physical wellbeing

One of the four core pillars of the Jane Tomlinson Appeal is M2. Focused on creating a foundation of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-compassion, M2 is offered to young girls of primary school age to make their mental and physical health a priority from an early age. The teachings of the M2 programme help to strengthen their wellbeing and the purpose of it is to provide young girls with tools that will help them throughout their life, whether they receive pressure from their peers, society or even themselves. Focused on children living in disadvantaged areas in the North of England, M2 is a vital programme for those who need it most. Through a combination of themed discussions, journaling, active games and workouts and goal setting, participants explore ways that they can be kinder to themselves and others. Don’t just take our word for it. Hear directly from schools and what they think of M2… “The girls absolutely loved it and have been asking if we can carry on next half term! It has been so lovely to see their confidence and physical fitness grow. We are doing our 5k on Monday after school.” “Last week a girl shared with the research team that her inner cheerleader started out as just a small flower and now she draws it bigger because her confidence has bloomed so much. Thank you for enabling these girls to have these experiences!” - Greenhill Primary School, Leeds